So we've compromised. The original plan was to completely restore/repaint Fran's Skagit and then "do some boating later in the summer." Now the plan is to give me until the middle of July to do whatever I can get done, and then put away the tools for the rest of the summer. In other words, go boating. July 15th seems a long way off. Lot's of time, right? Well, it's not as many days as it looks because my school job doesn't break for summer vacation until June 19th, and we are gone on a trip to Colorado from June 21 to 29. So I basically have two weeks.
For me, doing the restoration is probably more fun than going boating – I hate to admit that, but frankly, I like sleeping in my own bed at night. And I don't like having a crunch deadline; that's what I have all year long. AND I don't much like the idea of cruising around in an old boat that badly needs new windows, new paint, new cabin interior, and oh, yea, a new motor. (It may come in time, but that's a different story.)
So here's the "must-do" list. It looks daunting, but frankly there are a lot of one and two-hour jobs here.
- Wash and base-coat paint the interior cabin. Probably white.
- Replace the cockpit deck. (Okay, this is a LONG project, but I really need to do it before installing the new fuel tanks.)
- Install fuel tanks.
- Re-hang cabin door with new hinges.
- Paint cockpit white instead of the depressing gray it is now.
- Install a fuse box.
- Install GPS, radio, and hook up the running lights.
- Remove old wiper motors.
- Mount fire extinguisher.
- Install new steering cable.
- Install E-tech controls (if they arrive).
- Mount new engine (if it arrives).
This is like the wedding all over again! All the painting and cabin doors are extra. Not a must do.