It's now 11 and I'm at Keystone with only a possibility of making the noon boat. Could be the 1:30 before I'm aboard. No matter - plenty to read.
1:30. On the boat and underway. That's the public launch where we will pick up the Welike this evening - assuming all goes according to plan.
Picked up the boat at the shop. Marty did the bulk of the transom repair and found a replacement window, both projects for me to finish up -- all part of my education.
Marty got a kick out of my funny boating statistic: that we now own twice as many boats as the number of times we have taken our boats out in the past year. I do hope we will soon correct THAT situation!
At Kingston waiting for the 4:30 sailing.
Made it back to La Conner around 7 pm and quickly off-loaded the boat onto three foam blocks Marty loaned me. Actually, it was a little hairy. Tied the boat to the house through an open window, removing the window just in case the boat rolled off the trailer and landed against it.

Pulling the trailer forward ... VERY carefully.

It Worked!!! We're insane - and here's a picture to prove it!!
Then we drove to Coupeville, met Bill, loaded up the Welike, and headed for home. That's the short version ... more tomorrow. I'm tired!!

Pulling the trailer forward ... VERY carefully.
It Worked!!! We're insane - and here's a picture to prove it!!
Then we drove to Coupeville, met Bill, loaded up the Welike, and headed for home. That's the short version ... more tomorrow. I'm tired!!

Wow... that sounds exhausting! Congratulations, proud Welike owners. By the way: is Welike the name or type of boat?